In contrast to all the bad news from Afghanistan, there are indeed some successes to report. Our chicken pilot project, which started in summer 2022, is very popular with the villagers in Nejrab. Already 30 families received 10 hens and 2 roosters each, financed through private donations.
For the women of the families, the possibility of keeping chickens is a blessing, because this way they can keep child and household together and keep an eye on the flock of chickens at the same time. They are no longer forced to work as day laborers in the fields in order to provide food for the family.
Future prospects
There were extensive counseling courses to teach the women about keeping chickens, and they were also supervised on site for 2 months. The eggs of the chickens can either contribute to the nourishment of their own family or can be sold profitably on the market. It is also possible to raise chicks and sell chickens themselves at a later stage. Thus, this project is very sustainable and ensures a stable additional income in the future.
Our local project partner would like to be able to accompany the women for 3 months instead of 2. In addition, there should be 20 hens and 5 roosters per family. Currently, a list of 50 needy families in the province of Kapisa is being compiled. The pilot project is planned to become a real project in 2023.