In the countryside, women usually have only the traditional role of wife and mother. The villages are often far away, without infrastructure. There are rarely schools or educational opportunities. In the villages, women can best and directly build up their own livelihood by keeping cattle. That is why the NAZO women developed the “Cows for Rural Women” projects.
Cows for rural women
Pregnant cows are bought for needy village women. The first calf that the mother cow gives birth to is given to another needy woman. The mother cow remains with the first owner and provides her with a livelihood by selling milk, yogurt and butter.
The men help out
The men of the village are involved in all decisions from the very beginning and actively help with the construction of the cowsheds. In the village, a room is rented from a farmer for 6 months for the lessons. There, the selected women meet twice a week and learn everything that is necessary for successful cattle farming.