The marketing course has been running in Kabul and the Nejrab district since July 2021. For four months, a group of 20 former students are taught marketing and product management skills. The course helps the students to market their products more successfully.

This training is repeated after 4 months with further students, so that in the end a total of 80 women are trained.

Some of the former students now work in our studios and produce their products there. Until now they had difficulties to market these products. The training is intended to remedy the situation and guarantee marketing success.

The students learn how to negotiate prices, how to present products attractively, and how to create a website for an online store, for example.

On August 14, 2021, the Taliban invaded Kabul and we had to interrupt the training in Kabul and Nejrab for the time being until it is clear what will happen next. To be on the safe side, all students and staff of ALS stay at home for now.

Interesting facts


Kabul and district Nejrab, province of Kapisa

Economic scope:

The project is supported by the BMZ (German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development).


Our former students work in the studios but have problems marketing the products properly. The marketing course is intended to support them in this and provide them with the necessary know-how.


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